Finding (and keeping) staff and volunteers with the right skill set is vital for delivering the high-quality experiences we offer in our county. However, a recent Visit Kent survey showed that 22% of attractions in the county have experienced challenges with staff and volunteer recruitment.
Visit Kent are delivering the Tourism & Hospitality Skills Boost project which has been funded by Kent County Council through the Helping Hands Scheme. This industry specific skills boost project engages tourism and hospitality businesses in Kent with a series of activities and initiatives designed to support the recruitment and retention of skilled staff and volunteers.
Kent Tourism Talent Website
Connect with job seekers on our newly launched Tourism Talent website by creating a profile for your business. The business profiles provide job seekers with the information they need to understand more about the roles available in your company and how they can apply for jobs directly with you. You don’t need to have any current vacancies right now to create a profile. Click here to complete the short form and create your profile today.
We’ll be adding more content to our Tourism Talent Hub over the coming weeks, establishing it as the go-to place for insights and resources on working within Kent’s thriving tourism and hospitality sector. On there you’ll find a collection of inspiring stories from our colleagues in the sector. We will be promoting this website through a dedicated digital campaign targeting job seekers.
The website also provides tourism and hospitality businesses with links to resources and information designed to help with the recruitment of skills job seekers and volunteers, and supporting the development of a productive and resilient workforce.
View the Tourism Talent website here -
Join our skills network!
We are establishing a network of people responsible for recruitment within tourism and hospitality businesses across the county. We’ll work with this network to share ideas, best practices and information on getting involved in the activity as part of this programme.
If you or a colleague from your HR department would like to be part of the Skills Network, then please get in touch!
Tell us your staffing & volunteer needs
Have you had trouble recruiting staff with the right skills and experience? Are you struggling to find volunteers? To help us better understand the recruitment needs we have within the industry in Kent, please complete the survey below. We’ll be sharing this information with the local colleges so we can start to work collaboratively to develop skills programmes tailored to the needs of our industry. Feel free to pass this on to a relevant colleague within your company.

For all general enquiries, please contact the team via email Postal Address: 10 Best Lane, Canterbury, Kent CT1 2JB