Your organisation's purpose:
Bar/Cafe - we sell drinks
What is your impact initiative?
To become carbon neutral by 2025!
The impact your initiative has had:
Already we are seeing an impact in terms of waste across the business as well as supporting businesses who share our ethics and do something good for the planet. Our energy usage has come down as well as a result of initiatives and work done.
Have you observed any direct benefits to your business or organisation as a result of the initiative?
Cost savings and increased awareness from customers, who in turn respect what we are trying to achieve. We haven't shouted enough about it yet, but we aim to.
What category/categories does your initiative fall under?
- Reducing energy use
- Food for Good - reducing food miles, local seasonal produce, plant based and organic
- Reducing waste
- Local job creation
28 Grosvenor Road, Tunbridge Wells TN1 2AP
165 High Street, Tonbridge TN9 1BX
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