9th August 2024

Your organisation's purpose:

To ensure high standards of service and hospitality, aiming to enhance the guest experience, increase customer loyalty, and to be come the first 5* hotel in Kent

To incorporate sustainable practices and corporate social responsibility, ensuring that the hotel operates in an environmentally friendly and socially responsible manner.


What is your impact initiative:

Committed to safeguarding the environment and strive to preserve our fragile ecosystem while providing an open and inclusive environment where our people can thrive.

From growing herbs and vegetables in our gardens and caring for our own bees to maximising recycling and opening up career opportunities, we are passionate about operating in the most responsible and sustainable way.

We support a nature-positive culture by nurturing healthy ecosystems within our hotel grounds. Our gardens are home to wildflower meadows and wildlife habitats for animals and insects while encouraging sustainable food production for our restaurants.

We recycle and opt for recyclable products, have removed plastic straws from our bars and restaurants and reduced the amount we print. Across our collection, we aim to reduce waste by 40% over the next decade through our supply chain management and operations.

Strive to support local businesses by sourcing food and drink from regional suppliers and artisans whenever possible.


The impact your initiative has had:

  • Fully LED lit in both Hotel and staff accommodation, zero halogens on site

  • Honey bees on site producing honey for Breakfast tables, gifting and local community

  • Wild flower meadow added to site, to support the bees

  • Walking routes through the grounds and gardens created to enhance well being

  • Own Gin created with Local Gin Distillery made using our own Honey

  • Kitchen Garden producing herbs and vegetables and all meat sourced withing 25 miles

  • Our Coffee bean is Peak and Wild which is sustainable

  • Removed all single use plastics

  • Changing over table tops to reduce linen usage

  • Grey water usage to water flower beds and planting

  • Removal of all bedding plants that are changed twice yearly and replaced with
    perennials and ever greens that grow all year round.

  • Restoration of a rose garden to the front of the property as seen last in 1906.

  • 4 onsite compost bays, where all of our green kitchen waste goes as well as grass
    cuttings, mulch and tree chips.
  • Recycle all cardboard

  • All trees that are felled due to risk are cut up and used on our open fires in the winter
    reducing carbon footprint of log deliveries (now have 4 log stores on site).

  • If a tree is felled, 2 of the same variety are planted within the 77 acres.

  • Working with local farmers to house lambs

  • Working with Local vineyards to push English Sparkling Wine

  • Reducing kitchen waste (part of a sustainability project within Hand Picked Hotels)

  • Reduction of Electric, Oil and water Usage YOY with tighter measures to continue to
  • All staff members are within 23 miles of Chilston Park

  • Working with local schools and colleges to boost employment in the local area

  • Use of dried flowers and plants instead of fresh cut flowers, as they last 20 weeks
    rather than 1 week – all supplied from a supplier within 4 miles

Have you observed any direct benefits to your business or organisation as a result of the initiative?

We have changed all lights to LED blubs and have seen a return on investment within the first year.

We have had our own bee hives since 2021 and now have 750,000 bees 1,000,000 bees by 1st August which are producing our own honey.

Staff retention is the highest in the handpicked group.

Increase of corporate bookings now that sustainably policy aligns with corporate demands.


Have you observed any benefits to your visitors as a result of the initiative?

The meadows of wildflowers, grasses, and plants are now becoming established These open spaces serve as a haven for an array of wildlife, including butterflies, bees, and birds. For guests, the meadows offer a tranquil escape, perfect for mindful meditation or enjoying the beauty of the natural world.

Each visit to the meadow provides a unique and enriching experience offering guests a chance to explore the natural beauty at their own pace. Walking promotes health, reduces stress, and enhances overall well-being.


What category/categories does your initiative fall under?

  • Food for Good – reducing food miles, local seasonal produce, plant-based & organic

  • Reducing waste

  • Nature positive initiatives – conserving, preserving or restoring landscapes, habitats & wildlife

  • Local job creation

  • Equality and diversity



Contact Details:

Tara Capon

Sales Manager

Chilston Park Hotel


01622 859803 | 07974 390254